The Event:

We will visit you before the event to discuss the programme for the event and how it may be tailored to suit your school and the pupils involved - if required.

A team member will visit your school, prior to the event and speak with pupils during assembly informing them of the event schedule - if requested.

Each session of the event will last for approximately 35 to 45 minutes, in which time the pupils will:

  • Warm Up (Stretching to increase flexibility)
  • Various exercises (for example: boxercise, aerobics, dancing etc)
  • Cooling Down (Relaxation)

The above is performed to Music


Health and fitness - These are one-off events upon which the pupils partake in an exercise programme lasting  approximately 45 Minutes

Fund raising Events - This is an innovative opportunity to raise money for school funds or to donate to a charity of your choice

Prizes and incentives will be awarded on the day

After School Activities - A range of after school activities are offered, for example: Football/soccer coaching; aerobics; kick boxing; cross training etc.

The beauty of our event is that we organise, lead and provide all the equipment, thus ensuring that staff can have as much fun as the pupils!

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